About Us

FreeViewWanganui.co.nz is a link to put you in touch with all you need when it comes down to the digital switchover.

From packages that include everything you’ll need to installing new UHF Arials and Satellite Dishes and running improved cabling for better signal to your TV.

We have all the professional and experienced electrical technicians you’ll ever need to give you the quality service you require for anything to do with upgrading or installing from scratch your Free-to-Air TV.

wanganui electrical company phillips electrical tv arial installersEither contact us online, or see our trusted, local professional electricians at –

Phillips Electrical

161 London Street


Freephone: 0800 82 00 30

P: (06) 348 0506

they are the only trusted, professional installers of free to air viewing receivers, decoders and professional advice that we use and recommend.

Hope to see you soon!